Previous Auctions

Antique & Collectible Sale
Including the Effects of Tenor Josef Locke

Lot 644

Lots 517 & 518

Daniel O'Connell Letter

Lot 644
Antique & Collectible Sale
Including Daniel O'Connell Letters & a Collection of Sugrue Family Silver

Antique & Collectible Sale
Including a Private John Beehan RHA Collection

Antique & Collectible Sale
Including a Private Model Train Collection
Timed Sale - Monday 11th March

Timed Sale - Monday, July 24th.
July Antique & Collectibles Sale including a Clearance from Fox Lodge, Ratoath.

Timed Sale - Tuesday, May 23rd.
May Antique & Collectibles Sale including a Full Clearance from Halls Curio Antique Shop, Dundalk.

March 13th - Timed Auction
Over 700 lots including Contemporary and Mid Century Designer Furniture, Silver, Carpets & Rugs, Bookcases, Dining Tables & Chairs, Artwork, Stephen Pearce Pottery, Country Pine Kitchen Dresser, Antique Shop Counters, Brass Lamps, Chandeliers & Light Fittings, Tapestries, Limited Edition Books, Vintage Radios along with much more.

Over 600 lots including 2 exceptional dining tables, a full bedroom suite, mirrors, carpets, runner rugs, rare records & LPs, a highly carved mirror back sideboard, an unusual taxidermy crocodile and buffalo head, a collection of silver including a Victorian Irish silver tea service & an Edwardian silver presentation cup, a fine club fender, bookcases, glassware, brassware and collectibles.